Cenforce D


Available Options

300 tablets$365$1.22$365.00
150 tablets$185$1.23$185.00
120 tablets$152$1.27$152.00
90 tablets$119$1.32$119.00
Active Ingredient Sildenafil/Dapoxetine
Manufacturer Centurion Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.
Packaging 10 tablets in 1 strip
Strength 100mg/60mg
Delivery Time 6 To 15 days
SKU: Cenforce D
SKU: 15184 Categories: , Tag:


This powerful medicine brings together two active ingredients – sildenafil citrate and dapoxetine – creating a dual-action approach for treating ED and PE (premature ejaculation).

One of the most popular PDE5 inhibitors, sildenafil citrate works by allowing an appropriate amount of blood to flow into the penis making it larger and longer than usual when enough stimulation is provided in relatively short order for new generations of manwho were born under more stringent environmental conditions due either (some version) erectile problem earlier on conventional medical treatment or various other factors have engaged in premature sexual activities then this has undoubtedlyo led them to ejaculate at an earlier time than they would have liked. In such a twi

However, Dapoxetine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). This is able to extend the time it takes for men to reach orgasm and ejaculation, allowing them enjoy longer-lasting sexual encounters with their partners.

Thanks to Cenforce D, men no longer worry about performance, they have greater desire and last longer than ever before in the bedroom. This medication hasbeen specially designed and produced fornights like those when you want to regain what hasbeen lostamong your former partners–confidence.

Cenforce D has several beneficial effects:

Greater erectile function

Higher sexual energy levels

Longer ejaculation times

More pleasurable sex

Increased confidence in bed

Cenforce D may cause side effects in some users, like any medication under certain conditions of use. Common side effects may include headache, dizziness, nausea, flushing, indigestion, and nasal congestion. These side effects are usually mild and temporary, however if they persist or worsen it is important to consult a doctor immediately.

It’s important to take Cenforce D exactly as directed by a healthcare provider. The recommended dose is one tablet orally with a full glass of water, about 30 minutes before any sexual activity. One should not exceed the recommended dosage and take Cenforce D more than once on one day.

Cenforce D is not for use by women or children. It is important to inform your health care provider about what health issues or medications you are taking before starting treatment with Cenforce D. Avoid consuming alcohol or grapefruit juice while taking this product, as it may increase the risk of side effects. If you experience any serious side effects or symptoms of an allergic reaction such as rash, pruritus, difficulty breathing or swelling of the face or throat, seek immediate medical attention.

Frequently Asked Questiosn

Q: How quickly does Cenforce D take effect?

A: Cenforce D usually takes effect within 30-60 minutes after ingestion. Although individual reaction times may differ to some extent.

How long do the effects of Cenforce D last?

A: The effects of Cenforce DE can last up to 4-6 hours, giving users a more spontaneous sexual experience.

Can Cenforce D be taklken with another food item (for example breakfast)?

A: Cenforce D can be taken with or without food, but if accompanied by a heavy meal, it may take longer to come into effect.

Customarily, Cenforce D is Therest

the most effective and safest medication for treating erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. With its two-pronged approach to solving sexual issues in men, this product offers a No-Nonsense Solution that is reliable. If you are having problems with either one of these things, please talk to your health care provider now!

Additional information

Additional information


90 tablets, 120 tablets, 150 tablets, 300 tablets


$119, $152, $185, $365


$1.32, $1.27, $1.23, $1.22

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