Malegra Dxt Plus


Available Options

90 tablets$94$1.04$94.00
120 tablets$120$1.00$120.00
150 tablets$141$0.94$141.00
300 tablets$267$0.89$267.00
Active Ingredient Sildenafil Citrate/Duloxetine
Manufacturer Sunrise Remedies Pvt Ltd
Packaging 10 Tablets in Strip
Strength 100mg/60mg
Delivery Time 6 To 15 days
Malegra DXT Plus, the blend of Sildenafil and duloxetine is incredible medication to address the issue of male barrenness. It is recommended to oversee erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.



Malegra Dxt Plus

Malegra Dxt Plus is a drug specifically designed to help men overcome erectile dysfunction. Sildenafil and Duloxetine, its two active ingredients, work together in one pill to produce improved performance and increased satisfaction during sexual intercourse. When these men have problem smashing erections getting tired quickly after sex then Malegra Dxt Plus will help adjust their life style until they suit great suits ofwear again. Through various stages of impotence and premature ejaculation, the effect is quite simply fabulous rather than just boring! If you have delicate new man syndrome malegras will quickly turn this around for you.


ED Prescription in Men Malegra Dxt Plus is most commonly used to treat two problems affecting men: erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation (PE). Erectile dysfunction is defined as the inability to achieve or sustain an erection suitable for intercourse. It can cause pressure, low self-image, and difficulty in relationships. Premature ejaculation occurs when a man ejaculates earlier than he wants to before his partner is satisfied. Malegra Dxt Plus is beneficial for both problems, with a quick effect on penile erection while prolonged ejaculatory control is also assured.

How does malegra dxt plus work? The whole idea is to improve the efficacy and life quality of ED medication for men. With sildenafil it is a PDE5 inhibitor that causes penile blood flow to relax, thus making erection possible. The Sorafen bulb is just as straightforward: it helps men to regain control over their own discharge reflexes in order to produce more lasting sexperiences with your partner. This two-pronged treatment gives comprehensive relief from sexual performance.[3] Partner satisfaction and confidence on the other hand are all increased thanks to this medication!

Side effects

Like all medicines, Malegra Dxt plus can cause some people to have side effects. Common side effects include headache, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, indigestion and a blocked nose. These side effects tend to be mild and transient, and disappear as the body adjusts to taking Malegra Dxt Plus. if any of these side effects persist or become severe it is important that you seek medical advice. Occasionaly, however, more serious side effects might occur. if you experience changes in your vision, chest pains, or any conjugated erections that won’t go away then call the doctor straight away. The Manufacturer Should Be Send A Copy Of The Leaflet Which Comes In The Pack By Whom?

Directions for use

Malegra Dxt Plus is taken on an as-needed basis and should be taken as directed by your healthcare provider. The medication is usually taken with a glass of water, about 30 minutes before you plan to have sex. Be careful not to exceed the recommended dosage as doing so can increase the risk of side effects. Malegra Dxt Plus usually works for 4 to 6 hours–plenty long enough to make love four or five times in that period. For internal tellery purpose only but not daily use

How To Use Malegra Dxt Plus?

Consult Your Healthcare Provider Before using Malegra Dxt Plus, you should consult your healthcare provider to make sure it is safe for your particular health condition and medical history. Certain drugs, basic health conditions, and allergies may interact with Malegra Dxt Plus or increase the risk of side effects. Please be sure to tell your healthcare provider about all the relevant details so as to get personalized advice and recommendations from a professional pharmacist or other qualified person. Also, it is important to avoid drinking alcohol or consuming grapefruit juice while taking Malegra Dxt Plus, as these substances can interact with the medication and produce unwelcome effects.


Q: How quick does Malegra Dxt Plus start to work?

A: Usually within 30 minutes of taking Malegra Dxt Plus. However, onset performance of the drug can vary from person to person.

Q: Can I take Malegra Dxt Plus with food?

A: Yes, Malegra Dxt Plus will function properly even when swallowed with a meal. Nevertheless if you have just had a big or oily meal they could delay the onset of action for this medication and not be as effective as normal.

Q: Is it safe to take Malegra Dxt Plus over a long term?

A: Malegra Dxt Plus is designed to be used only when necessary and should not be taken on a daily basis. Long-term use can lead to side effects and addiction that needs medical treatment.

Q: If I have underlying health conditions, can I still take Malegra Dxt Plus?

A: You must consult a healthcare provider before taking Malegra Dxt Plus if you have any underlying health conditions. Some medical conditions make contraindicate the medication. Alternatively, others might require adjustments on the dosage of it to account for your new condition along with other considerations of medicine management.

In conclusion, Malegra Dxt Plus is a trustworthy and effective way for men to manage their erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation issues. With its dual-action formula, it gives you total relief from sexual performance complaints. That leads to more confidence and satisfaction in bed in turn. However, it is important to use this medicine as directed and ask for medical help whenever any worry arises. By heeding these instructions and safety information provided, anyone can gain the full benefits of Malegra Dxt Plus and enjoy overall sexual well-being in turn.”

Additional information

Additional information


90 tablets, 120 tablets, 150 tablets, 300 tablets


$94, $120, $141, $267


$1.04, $1.00, $0.94, $0.89

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