Sildigra 75 mg


Available Options

90 tablets$76$0.84$76.00
120 tablets$96$0.80$96.00
150 tablets$112$0.75$112.00
300 tablets$195$0.65$195.00
Active Ingredient Sildenafil citrate
Manufacturer RSM Enterprises
Packaging 10 Tablets In 1 Strip
Strength 75 Mg
Delivery Time 6 To 15 days

Sildigra 75mg with a working fragment of Sildenafil citrate 75mg is a select medicine that offers treatment for Erectile Dysfunction in men.

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Sildigra 75 mg is a potent medication widely in the cure for erectile dysfunction, or male impotence, and so on. It was originally developed as angina pectoris drug by Pfizer 10 years ago. Sildigra 75 mg belongs to a group of medicines called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors, which operate by increasing blood flow into the penis during sexual stimulation. This aids men in achieving and sustaining a hard, erect member for fulfilling sexual pleasure.


Sildigra 75 mg is mainly used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED), a typical condition in which a man cannot get an erection or keep it for long. It is a very powerful medicine that helps men regain their sexual confidence and improve their overall quality of life. If you want to avoid any trouble right away then go straight ahead with Sildigra 75 mg–now! Sildigra 75 mg is also sometimes given as antidote then a pulmonary arterial hypertension (Pah), a condition defined by high blood pressure in the lungs ‘arteries.


The main benefit of Sildigra 75 mg is that it improves erectile function in men with ED. By increasing blood flow to the penis, this medicine helps men to have strong and long-lasting erections leading to a more satisfying sexual experience for their partners. Furthermore Sildigra 75 mg can help enhance one’s self- esteem and confidence. This can only be good for a man’s overall well-being.

Side Effects:

Like all medications Sildigra 75 mg may cause side effects in some individuals. Common side effects are likely to be headache, dizziness, backache, upset stomach, runny nose, and even using common sense would tell you that if they persist or get worse you should go to a health care giver. In exceptional cases however Sildigra 75 mg might cause more serious side effects such as priapism–a long lasting (over four hours) and painful erection whichif left untreated permanently damages the penile tissue–visual changes, and loss of hearing. Should you experience any of these side effects, seek immediate medical attention at once.

Usage instructions:

Take Sildigra 75 mg with a full glass of water, about 30 minutes to 1 hour before sexual activity. Sildigra 75 mg doses more than one a day or better yet split them into smaller halves as this will reduce the likelihood that you will experience side effects from its use. Sildigra 75 mg can be taken with or without food, but it may take much longer to become effective if taken with a high-fat meal. You should not drink alcohol either because that will make the drug less effective and increase your chances of experiencing adverse effects. Sildigra 75 mg

Safety advice:

Before taking Sildigra 75 mg, it is important to consult a health

professional to ensure this medication is safe and right for you. Inform your health care provider of any medical conditions you have, particularly of heart problems as well as high blood pressure or low blodd pressure (hypertension) or liver or kidney disease. Find out from the doctor whether there are any allergies you may be prone to. Also, tell him or her what sort of medication currently being taken, because some drugs could interfere with Sildigra 75 mg and cause unwanted side effects. Do not take Sildigra 75 mg if you are also taking nitrates for chest pain or riociguat for pulmonary hypertension, because this combination could cause a dangerous drop in blood pressure


Q: How soon will Sildigra 75 mg take effect?

A: Sildigra 75 mg typically starts working 30 minutes to 1 hour after taking it, and for different people the onset of action may be different.

Q: Can I take Sildigra 75 mg every day?

A: Sildigra 75 mg is usually taken as needed, about 30 minutes to one hour before sexual activity. Sildigra 75 mg do not take more than once in one day.

As we are giving advice here it is out of our remit to answer this question specifically. But in general most of the sildenafil citrate products are 100 mg so if you should be able to achieve result with dose equivalent to 100m. If your healthcare provider thinks that lifestyle changes will be beneficial in correcting your ED problem, he or she might make those recommendations. At the same time we also need to keep in mind that the dosage of Sildigra75mg could have certain side effects like headaches, flushing, etc., if any of these are to occur a men should go see a doctor for advice.Time for action To sum up, Sildigra 75mg is a highly efficient means of treating ED. It is a medication which brings numerous advantages to men who hope to reverse their sexual ability by ridding themselves of this problem. With attention to proper usage and safety precautions, Sildigra 75mg can enable men to achieve a strong and lasting erection even in old age. This has the obvious benefit of enhancing its overall quality of life as well.”If you have any questions or apprehensions about Sildigra 75mg then turn to your health care provider for advice of a professional nature customized to your needs.

Additional information

Additional information


90 tablets, 120 tablets, 150 tablets, 300 tablets


$76, $96, $112, $195


$0.84, $0.80, $0.75, $0.65

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